The Botanical Society of Western Pennsylvania (BSWP) is one of
the oldest botanical organizations in the country. Since 1886, our members have met, botanized,
and served as a resource of knowledge on the flowers of Pennsylvania.
Our group is a mixture of both professional and amateur botanists. BSWP meets monthly, September through June, and features excellent speakers. Field trips are frequent.
Our early affiliation with the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, especially the Section of Botany — which has served as a repository for many of our collections and slides of the wildflowers of Pennsylvania — is ongoing. Members are called upon to teach classes in Botany, and to give public presentations to garden clubs and other plant societies and organizations.
BSWP is closely allied with the Presque Isle Audubon Society, with whom it co-owns and protects Titus Bog in NW PA, and with the Wissahickon Nature Club of Pittsburgh, as well as with other organizations in the region.